Canis Major (Chinese astronomy)

According to traditional Chinese uranography, the modern constellation Canis Major is located within the southern quadrant of the sky, which is symbolized as the Vermilion Bird of the South (南方朱雀, Nán Fāng Zhū Què).



Four Symbols Mansion (Chinese name) Romanization Translation Asterisms (Chinese name) Romanization Translation Western star name Chinese star name Romanization Translation
Vermilion Bird of the South (南方朱雀) Jǐng Well 軍市 Jūnshì Market for Soldiers[1]
β CMa 軍市一 Jūnshìyī 1st star
ν3 CMa 軍市二 Jūnshìèr 2nd star
15 CMa 軍市三 Jūnshìsān 3rd star
π CMa 軍市四 Jūnshìsì 4th star
ο1 CMa 軍市五 Jūnshìwu 5th star
ξ1 CMa 軍市六 Jūnshìliù 6th star
野雞 Yějī Wild Cockerel[1] ν2 CMa 野雞 Yějī (One star of)
天狼 Tiānláng Celestial Wolf[1]
α CMa
天狼 Tiānláng (One star of)
狼星 Lángxīng Wolf star
天狼星 Tiānlángxīng Star of Celestial Wolf
賊星 Zéixīng Thief star, the meteor
γ CMa 天狼增四 Tiānlángzēngsì Extended 4th star
弧矢 Húshǐ Bow and Arrow[1]
δ CMa
弧矢一 Húshǐyī 1st star
矢中星 Shǐzhōngxīng Arrow in the center of the star
矢星 Shǐxīng Star of the arrow
天园东北星 Tiānyuándōngběixīng Star in the northeast of Celestial Orchard constellation
η CMa
弧矢二 Húshǐèr 2nd star
矢后星 Shǐhòuxīng Arrow in front of the star
ε CMa
弧矢七 Húshǐqī 7th star
弧矢西第二星 Húshǐxīdìèrxīng Second western star
κ CMa 弧矢八 Húshǐbā 8th star

See also


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